Thursday, September 1, 2011


I'm having some difficulty getting pictures loaded from the iPad to the blog, so I'm going to use the agency's computer instead.  These are the pictures from our meeting with Max (if you look closely you'll see we had a stand-in for Lainie in our first family photo).  We won't see Max again until late in the afternoon on the 6th.  He'll spend the night with us and then, of course, travel home with us on the 7th.

By the way, we're able to access email, so feel free to send comments via our email if that is easier.  We'll continue to make our updates via this blog.

Kurt (and Dede)


  1. I've printed the blog and the pictures so we can keep Grandma updated. Good thing you had Lainie's stand-in along, it would have been a shame if she'd been left out of the family photo.

    Our love,

    Mom and Dad

  2. He's sooooo dang cute!! Can't wait to finally meet him!
    Love, Cho :)

  3. Just got back from Grandma's and thought I should let you know how excited she is. The tears were flowing as they have been for all of us. I cut the pictures out and put them in plastic frames so she could take them to show her friends and keep on the little table by her chair.

    We send her love and ours,

    Mom, Dad and Grandma

  4. What a beautiful first family picture! I know you figured it out but Ladyslipper = Max's favorite aunt. He just doesn't know it yet :-)

    I checked your blog as my afternoon meeting was starting and got very emotional. I am working with a new team of people so they probably think I am a little crazy. Max has captured our hearts and all he did was play with his Mom and Dad.

    Love to you all,


  5. What a beautiful family you are... the smiles on your face say it all! Dede - I could not help but notice your necklace, it is perfect. All my friends at work inquired about you today. I was excited to be able to show them the picture that I printed of you. Thanks again for sharing this awesome journey with us all. Love, Dave and Mary

  6. I thought I choked up when I read about when you first met but then I saw the family picture (Rachel sent it to me on her phone so I looked at it at work)and you two are lit up like a Christmas tree! I could see so much joy! And Max looks pretty content hangin with his Mom and Dad!
    Wow! this is so cool! I'm sooo happy for all of you! We are pretty darn lucky too to able to witness this and welcome Max too! Thanks you!
    Love, Karrie

  7. What great photos! Just like the others said, you can see happiness written all over your faces. So, so happy for you. :)

  8. As everyone has already said this first family photo is beautiful, I can't tell you how many times I have looked at it today and have had to share it with some of our friends also. You both look so happy and Max is adorable. We know it's going to take some time for him to get used to all of us, but boy does he have a lot of people just waiting to meet him! We did show the picture to Lainie... I have to admit she wasn't real impressed. That being said, I just know she is going to love her new little brother as long as she doesn't have to share her blankies with him! We hope you are having a wonderful time in Seoul and we can't wait for you to come home!
    Ed, Julie and family
